
Queaso Services has developed an internal development environment based on years of experience, internal projects are always carried out according to this methodology.


How can Queaso Services be usefull in your company ?

A company has developed during the 20 years existence a front- middle and backoffice. The typical client server application, two different databases, one in access and another in oracle. The business logics are strong, but the number of users are increased to a critical level. The internet gives many advantages to boot up his business. But the infrastructure of the IT does not allow any further developments.

The framework of Queaso Services seperates the complete IT infrastructure in four layers: presentation, workflow, object and database layer.

The presentation layer defines the users and brings the information, static or transaction, thin or fat client to a Windows look or Webpages.

The concept

The concept of Queaso Services is initially based on the powerfull Windows DNA framework. Four layers devide the business processes to individual performant environments.

Queaso Services has developed the components of this framework with flows that results in very fast development time of the back office.

complete workflow

The presentation layer views data and applications, static or transactional. This layer consists of templates developed on technology which connects the internal business processes to thin or fat client.

The workflow layer is responsible for:
Gathering information from the user.
Sending the user information to the business services for processing.
Receiving the results of the business services processing.
Presenting those results to the user..

The business logic layer

The business layer receives a request from the workflow layer and will handle all logic (business rules) regarding this request. Thanks to the components all logic will be itemized and analysed right until the smallest particle. Big benefit: the upperlaying business objects components won’t have to implement this logic, as it is already implemented.

The database layer tier

The standard methods Read, Create, Update, Delete are using ANSI SQL and thus compatible with all data banks able to receive info through OLE DB or ODBC. Native SQL (SQL statements specifically for the data bank) are put in a resource file. Whenever one switches to another database, there’s no need for any code changing. Only the SQL statements in the resource file need to be converted into the new database.

This procedure offers big advantages. During development one can use Access as a database and, when one has ensured all necessary charts and structure, one can proceed to a more powerful database such as SQL Server or Oracle…

This working-method also offers interesting possibilities programmers developing remote. In this scenario, Access will run locally on their pc, and the code will be send and tested in an environment that includes for instance SQL Server, etc …

The Windows DNA architecture

Windows DNA architecture is Microsoft’s framework for building a new generation of n-tier computing solutions. Windows DNA provides a framework for delivering solutions that meet the requirements of corporate computing, the internet and intranets, and global electronic commerce, while reducing overall development costs.

windows dna architecture

The power of the components

The Workflow objects are the only mandatory access points to the application server.
Characteristics : Facade / Transaction / management of error messages

The Business Objects implement the entire logical flow. Characteristics: Business Logic / management of error messages

The Data Objects have access to the records of ‘data sources’, in any form, like table, stored procedure, message queue,…
Characteristics: access to data / management of error messages

dll workflow

The benefits

Queaso Services, build on the Windows DNA technology provides the most comprehensive and integrated platform for building distributed applications. This frees developers from the burden of building or assembling commonly needed middle-tier services, such as asynchronous message queuing, transactions, component services, data access, and web publishing.

Applications can be built faster and easier by using the common service infrastructure of the Windows platform.

Queaso Services supports a wide choice of programming languages and integrated development tools, allowing developers to choose the tool that best fits their needs.

Queaso Services is designed to provide a high level of interoperability with existing enterprise applications and legacy systems, making it easy to protect and extend current investments. In short:

  • Quick “time to market”
  • Liable
  • Flexible
  • Cost efficient and lowers “Cost of Ownership” effectively
  • Database independent
  • Client independent
  • Language independent
  • Overall accessible
  • Intranet Ready
  • Internet Ready
  • Scalability